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Showing posts from July, 2013

I Fell in Love with Johnny's Jr

Gara2 nonton Johnny's Jr Land "PAJAMA PARTY" gw jadi suka sama 2 bocah kawaii ini XD Name: Iwahashi Genki  Nickname: Genki Group: Ja(PA)Nese(HI)! Birthday: December 17, 1996 (age 16) Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan Blood Type: O  Height: 160cm Weight: 45kg Admired Sempai: Akanishi Jin, Chinen Yuri ,Nakajima Kento  (akhirnya nemu Jr yg mengidolakan ototou gw Yuri XD) Hobby:Baseball Talent:Skateboarding Favorite Food: Meat and tomatoes Dislike Food: Carrots Favorite Color: Red Favorite Sports: Baseball,Dance Favorite Animal: Dogs and monkeys Pertama tau Genki itu waktu Johnny Sport Day 2012, waktu itu Genki jadi Picther di Team J-Red, team yg dipimpin oleh Yuri. Kesan awal liat Genki itu orangnya serius bgt, gw kirain karena waktu itu mereka emang lagi bertanding, tapi ternyata emang sifat Genki beneran begitu XD. Genki jarang terlihat tersenyum padahal nama Genki sendiri maknanya adalah "Happy", makanya pas Johnny's Jr Land Pajama Party mereka n...

THE HYDE book Translation

English Translation for HYDE's book "THE HYDE", see index below for the link!!! Chapter ABILITY : here Chapter BIRTH : here Chapter CHILDHOOD : here Chapter DEATH : here Chapter ENTERTAIMENT : not yet Chapter FAMILY : here Chapter GOSSIP : here Chapter HYDE : here Chapter IDEA : here Chapter JUSTICE : here Chapter KITTY : here Chapter L'Arc~ en~Ciel : here (part1); here (part2) Chapter MEDIA : not yet Chapter NECESSITY : here Chapter OBJECT : here Chapter PAL : here Chapter QUALITY : here Chapter RECORDING : here Chapter SELF PORTRAIT : not yet Chapter TATTOO : here Chapter UNIDENTIFIED : here   Chapter VAMPS : here Chapter WEALTH : here Chapter XXX : here Chapter YOU : here Chapter Z : here Bonus poems by hyde:  ひとりごと( take to my self )   and 扉 ( door ) Full Credit:  L'Arc~en~Ciel UK Fans Unite @ FB L'Arc~en~Ciel Canada@FB thehydeist@tumblr thehyde-translations@blogspot

Yuma and Hoku in TVFan Cross Magz

Nakayama Yuma  Yuma wearing glases @_@ Really want to see Yuma played Kabuki Matsumura Hokuto Bonus: Yuma @ Playzone 2013 Pink Shoes with puppy on it, such a cuttie Yuma ^-^ Credit: Yumatamago@LJ for Scan picture

(SS) Kiss~My~Ft2 PV "Kimi to no Kiseki"

Kisumai ngeluarin single baru berjudul "Kimi to no Kiseki", lagu ini akan menjadi Soundtrack drama Pin to Kona yang diperankan oleh Tama-kun. Check it out!! Gw  mau bilang kl gw suka bgt sama PV kisumai yg ini! Mungkin ini juga gara2 efek pink dalam PV ini, secara gw punya fetish sm co pake baju/aksesoris pink tepatnya soft pink XD 

From Hate That I love You to Guilty

This is just my Songfic plan!!! There is 2 song that i like so much and i think those lyric suit for Songfic. First..I wanna make a Songfic based on Rihanna's song..."Hate That I Love You". I really love this song coz i was ever felt like that too and it sucks yo!! You love that someone so much until you felt irritated and hate to such feeling which life in your deepest heart.  This is a risk if your love to that someone not equivalent with love that you got back, and gradually it will becoming a granade to your relationship which can explode anytime. Second is BLUE Song's Guilty and it will be sequel from "Hate That I Love You".  If you love someone but you knew in the end both of you can not be together. It's like love triangle story and your role as a third part in this story. You are in love with someone, but she/he already have a person who she/he loved badly, even though like that she/he still open his/her heart for you. But  everybody a...

[Fanfic] The Last One

Akhirnya bikin ff juga setelah dari sekian lama bikin planning dan ga pernah terealisasi. Dulu awalnya mau bikin ff Yuma/OC gara2 suka bgt liat akting Yuma di Piece. Cuma ga dapet ide ngelanjutin ceritanya alhasil filenya masuk Folder Spam gw. Dan sekarang gw datang bawa ff JUMP. Disini karakter utamanya Yuri, dan member JUMP terlibat, walopun ada beberapa nama yang terpaksa diubah agar sesuai dengan karakternya. Seperti Ryosuke menjadi Ryo dan Ryutaro menjadi Ryuna (lol).  Okeh..dari pada banyak bacok..let's check it out yo!!! Tittle                        : The Last One Pairing                       : Hey Say JUMP (a lot of pairing) Author                       : orin (me) Genre ...

Ta..da..I'm Back

Ta...daa...Minna...I'm back. Gw lagi puasa, tapi bukan berarti gw juga lagi puasa buka blog ^_^. Minna gomen na, kalo blog ini jarang bgt di update. Tapi insyaallah mulai kedepannya gw bakal rajin lagi kog nyampahin blog ini dengan wajah anak-anak Janizu (laugh). Season ini penuh dengan drama anak-anak Janizu, sampe bingung mau ikutin yang mana. Kalo Summer Nude udah liat yg ep 1 nya meskipun tanpa subtitle, tapi kesannya kog agak kurang menarik ya alur ceritanya terlalu lamban padahal ada Aniki dan Karina yg main T_T. Kamen Teacher juga udah liat ep 1, cuma mau ngintip Taiga doank (giggle). Sebenarnya yg paling gw tunggu-tunggu itu Pin to Kona hari kamis ini tayangnya...kyaaaa @_@. Penasaran bgt liat yuma jadi Onnagata!! Pin to Kono itu berasa kaya Beli paket TamaYumaHoku dapet bonusnya Jessy (lol).

Puri Purity 'Inoo Kei'

Do you think the most Prettiest in JUMP? If your answer is Kei, then i'll show you this!! Transformation from Inoo Kei to Inoo Keiko (laugh) Check it out yo...! Inoo Kei   Inoo Keiko XD  [credit to owner pic] 

[SreenCaps] Summer Nude ep 1

Minna how are you? are you feeling fine? This is summer time darou? How's your summer going so far? What are planning for Holiday? if you haven't yet, let's watching Summer Nude XD Ep 1 udah ada yg upload, tapi belum ada yg ngesub -_- Belum ada juga informasi fansub mana yg nantinya bakal menangani drama ini -o- Jadi sambil menunggu subtitle nya keluar, nikmati dulu screencaps-nya!!@_@